Sunday 14 February 2010

+++ Emma's Rose (1) February 2010

My progress of Emma's Rose for the first week:

I really am keen to see the frame, so very concentrated to stitch it.
Emma's Rose 2

Usually, I did put some additional material like beads at finishing touch, however I could not resist to try to put on some beads on it... I am using Mill Hill Seeds Beads on her necklace. That was lovely!

Emma's Rose 1


  1. I love your start of Emma's Rose. Can't wait to see it finished and framed ;)

    The beads are a great idea!

  2. Sherlock Holmes was a great movie! You should see it when it comes out to DVD.

    Robert Downing Jr. was extremely funny as Holmes.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog! I can't wait to see your future progress on Emma's Rose!

  3. I fall in love with this girl too!! I'm trying to start I buy all threads but I'm not sure 40ct or 35ct natural linen, which kind have you chosen???
    (I want to stitch it for my daughter's birthday her name is Emma too! )
