After big quake in Japan 11th March, I could not sleep well for a while.... because my uncles and aunties' family, cousins in Fukushima. Some days later I have found all my uncles and aunties families, cousins are OK, but they did not have enough life line at all then following Monday, they have had water and Friday got electricity finally. I thought they were very lucky, and we really really thanked God.
After I found they've been OK, still being upset to watch TV and read internet news because I could not help them, and I could not find to do anything for them. Everyday just praying and pray, pray......
But when I was baking for school charity cake sale for British Red Nose day (Comic relief found raising), I have got an idea finally, "I could bake to sell and donate that money for them."
Soon, I established Just giving page:
Bake sale for Japan
and have had a bake sale at office then sold cakes and received some whole cake order, Yeh!

Now, I have reached GBP 280.00 and still have some orders to sell.
Thanks everyone to help me.
I will keep running... for my beautiful country Japan.
This post for not cross stitch works but for my record....